Date: 2004-01-06
International Biometrics Group laedt ein, also fraget
Was Ihr immer schon über Biometrie wissen wollt, liebe Kinder, könnt Ihr jetzt direkt selbst ernannte Experten fragen. Die Con/sulter der International Biometrics Group laden am 8. Januar zu einer Telefon/konferenz ein. Dabei stellt das Consulting/Unter/nehmen seine Pro/gnosen für den Biometrie-Markt bis 2008 vor. Allein 2004 soll er um 36,7 Pro/zent wachsen.
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Die 22. 'Biometric Business and Technology Teleconference' steigt am 8. Jänner, 13 Uhr Eastern Time (10 Uhr Pacific Time). Zuhören via Internet ist kostenlos, die voraussichtliche Dauer beträgt etwa eine Stunde. Wer selbst Fragen stellen möchte und nicht in Kanada oder den USA weilt, muss die normalen Telefongebühren für das Ferngespräch zur Nummer +19735822706 tragen (aus .AT gesehen ab 2,2 Cent pro Minute).
In der Ankündigung heißt es:
/The IBG Biometric Business and Technology Teleconference series is designed to address all audiences interested in biometrics [...] Toward that end, the IBG Biometric Business and Technology Teleconference series provides timely information and insight on the current state of biometrics and the biometric industry./
/Michael Thieme, IBG's Director of Special Projects, will be presenting key findings from IBG's soon-to-be-released 'Biometrics Market and Industry Report 2004-2008.'/
/IBG's 'Biometrics Market and Industry Report 2004-2008' represents the most comprehensive and authoritative biometric market and industry report released to date, providing expert analyses of biometric technologies, applications, and global markets./
/In the new report, IBG reports that despite slower-than-anticipated uptake of biometric solutions, 36.7% growth in annual biometric revenues is anticipated from 2003 to 2004. Civil identification will account for the largest portion of this growth from an application perspective, and fingerprint will account for the largest portion from a technology perspective./
/You can listen to the teleconference over the web: Using Windows Media: http://www.biometricgroup.com/windows_media.html Using Real Player: http://www.biometricgroup.com/real_player.html /
/If you wish to participate in the question and answer session, you can join the call by dialing: 800-473-6123 (from the U.S. and Canada) or 973-582- 2706 (from outside the U.S. and Canada)./
Obacht, Kinder, bei US-Telefonkonferenzen darf i/d/R jeder Anrufer nur eine (1) Frage stellen. Zu meiner Zeit hätten wir gesagt: Bildet Zellen!
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edited by Babuschka
published on: 2004-01-06
comments to [email protected]
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