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Date: 2001-04-07

IT: Zwangsrekrutierung zum Schurnalismus

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q/depesche 01.4.7/1

IT: Zwang/srekrutierung zum Schur/nalismus

Künftig bedarf es, um von Italien aus News ins Netz zu
stellen, einer Lizenz als Journalist, samt Registration und
Registrationsgebühr, weil alle Netz-Produkte ja bekanntlich
eigene Medien sind.

post/scrypt: Man beachte den respektablen Gehalt an Idiotie
der dieser Zwang/sregistrierung zum Schur/nalismus

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relayed by Stanton McCandlish [email protected] via gilc-
[email protected]

Fri, 6 Apr 2001 14:47:46 -0700 F
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If there is any Italian alert/opposition page about this, please
let me know so I can link to it from the Blue Ribbon free
speech campaign site.

Two messages from EFF members abroad (anonymized):

<< start of forwarded material >>

Hi I am an Italian citizen and I want send you this mail about
a new law of the italian parlament about Internet in Italy. All
the internet sites have to be registred and to publish news
you have to be registered as a normal newspaper. So only
professional journalist will write on Internet. Liberty of speech
is going to die in Italy. Please help us.

I can only send few link, the pages are written in italian, but if
you can traslate them I think you'll find the arguments very
interesting for you.

<< end of forwarded material >>

<< start of forwarded material >>

I would like to inform you about the new law recently
approved in Italy to extend the rules for the press and
periodical press to web sites and electronic press.

The new law states that EVERY web site has to be
considered as a press product, and it has to print the name
of the publisher (or the editor) and the city where it is
published (whatever this could mean).

If the site includes news or is updated periodically, which
would be the case of a webzine or of a site with a news
section, it falls under these following laws valid for
newspapers and periodical press:

1) it has to declare a responsible managing editor, that has
to be enlisted in the professional Order of Journalists 2) it has
to pay a tax (of about 200$) 3) it has to be registered in the
lists of the tribunal of the city where it is published.

If you could do something to publish this shameful situation it
may be very useful.

Here you can find the entire text of the law (sorry, it's in

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edited by
published on: 2001-04-07
comments to [email protected]
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