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Date: 2005-04-01

EU: Schöne neue Biometrie Welt

Die EU-Kommission empfiehlt in einer Studie Europas Politikern, Biometrie aktiv mitzugestalten. Das 166 Seiten starke Werk versteht sich als Einführung, Handbuch und Ratgeber. Durch den massenhaften Einsatz erwarte man einen Rückgang der Assoziation zwischen biometrischen Methoden und Straftaten.
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In diversen Szenarien (Everyday Life in 2015) und Bewertungen werden Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Systeme aber auch Biometrie an sich behandelt. Wichtig erscheinen den zehn Autoren auch Interportabilität, Datenbankverarbeitung und potentielle wirtschaftliche Vorteile für die europäische Biometrie-Industrie. Der Grundtenor trotz plakativer Gegenbeispiele: Wenn man es nur geschickt genug macht, wird die Bevölkerung es akzeptieren - dazu gehört auch das gezielte Angewöhnen im Kindergarten.

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Impact upon the trust model between citizen and state

This is a very important point, especially when viewed in the context of modern history (i.e., the last 100 years). In many countries who would consider themselves civilised and perhaps of a democratic nature, the trust between citizen and state plays a key role. Citizens offer their trust to government and, in doing so, empower them to manage national and international affairs on their behalf. If this trust breaks down, a
breeding ground is created where a variety of situations might develop, from underground economies to outright challenges to government and civil unrest. In many countries, part of this trust is inherent in the concept of being considered innocent until proved guilty and in enjoying personal privacy and anonymity. These fundamental concepts of trust seem now to be challenged by certain governmental aspirations. There is a risk that the emphasis changes to ordinary citizens being almost treated as criminal suspects and the right to privacy and anonymity being withdrawn.

The issue is exacerbated when the administrations of foreign countries have an undue influence on a given country’s procedures. It may be true that, in the short term, citizens simply go with the flow and accept that many of them will see as the sacrifice of personal freedoms in order to support policies which, they have been lead to believe, will create a more secure world. However, in the medium and longer terms, the reality of the situation (such as it may be) may become self evident and, depending upon popular perception, this may lead to an erosion of trust which will not be in the interest of government. This is a very serious issue which should be taken fully into consideration with respect to current aspirations. We should be in no doubt that we are tampering with the very fabric of society and should treat this fabric with the care and respect it deserves.

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edited by Mac Gyver
published on: 2005-04-01
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