Date: 2002-12-23
Viele Little Brother sind schon laengst im Einsatz
Da viele Firmen schon aus Eigeninteresse ihre Kunden bespitzeln, die Telcos schon lange Anruferdaten speichern und viele Webseitenportale moeglichst viele "verwertbare" Daten haben moechten, um die Werbetreibenden besser zu bedienen, sind die Grundsteine fuer einen BigBrother schon laengst gelegt. Mit den neuen AntiTerror-Gesetzen hat das Pentagon schon die rechtlichen Moeglichkeiten, all diese Informationsquellen zu nutzen. Nun muss "nur" noch die Software und Hardware her, um diese Informationen auch zu verknuepfen.
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Many Tools of Big Brother Are Already Up and Running
In the Pentagon research effort to detect terrorism by electronically monitoring the civilian population, the most remarkable detail may be this: Most of the pieces of the system are already in place.
The basic components include everyday digital technologies like e-mail, online shopping and travel booking, A.T.M. systems, cellphone networks, electronic toll-collection systems and credit-card payment terminals.
The civilian population, in other words, has willingly embraced the technical prerequisites for a national surveillance system that Pentagon planners are calling Total Information Awareness.
Computer scientists who work with Darpa said that Dr. Poindexter was an enthusiastic backer of a Darpa-sponsored advisory group that had been initiated by a Microsoft researcher, Eric Horvitz, in October 2001 in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
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edited by Abdul Alhazred
published on: 2002-12-23
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