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Date: 2001-09-23

US: "Judge" Gregg - "We need this information"

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q/depesche 01.9.23/1

US "Judge" Gregg: "We need this information"

Der berüchtigte US-Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire), dem
Persönlichkeitsrechte bekanntermaßen völlig schnurzegal ist,
bereitet einen Gesetzesentwurf vor.

Inhalt: Software-Backdoors in Telefonen, E-Mails und überhaupt
für jedwede Kommunikation auf diesem Planeten. Ob das die
Zweckentfremdung von Bastelmessern verhindern wird?

siehe auch:

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"Computer software companies would have to install a backdoor
for law enforcement agencies to unscramble secret messages on
phones, e-mails and other communications used by suspected
terrorists, under a proposal by U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H.
'We are in a new world and we have to give our law enforcement
community more tools,' Gregg said Thursday. 'We're blind ...
as to what these people want to do to us,' he added. 'We need
this information.' Gregg, who is still drafting the measure,
stresses it would be used cautiously. Police agencies could
access encryption keys only with permission from a quasi-judicial
commission appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court, and their requests
would be subject to search and seizure standards, he said."

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edited by Miller
published on: 2001-09-23
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