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Date: 2001-08-10

Biometrics: Forschung, Spucke & Unsterblichkeit

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John Daugman ist ein Pionier in der Erforschung neuer
Technologien, ein anderer Pionier in der Erforschung damals neuer
Technologien hieß Edward Teller [H-Bombe]. In den Annalen eines
künftigen, gescheiteren Jahrhunderts werden beide als Pioniere
der Menschenfeindlichkeit und der Zerstörung verzeichnet sein und
ihre Namen werden nicht ausgesprochen werden, sondern

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Iris scans are faster and more accurate than any other
computerised means of identifying people, such as fingerprint, face
or voice recognition, according to a new study.

Most iris recognition systems are based on software created by
John Daugman of Cambridge University. An image of an iris, with
all the tiny pits, ridges and strings of tissue that make it unique, is
turned into a series of three-dimensional contour maps.
Daugman has now used this system to make 2.3 million random
comparisons between images of over 2000 different irises from
people in Britain, the US and Japan. The study shows that if two
codes match by 75 per cent or more, there's only a one in 1000
billion chance that the match is wrong. With just 12 billion human
eyes on the planet, that is quite secure.

In another recent trial by the British government, there were no
false matches in over two million tests, whereas the failure rate for
other methods such as voice recognition ranged from 10 to 25 per
cent. And an Eye Ticket Corporation project at an airport in North
Carolina has correctly identified half a million volunteers with no
mismatches since May last year.

Such results prompted the International Air Transport Association
to encourage London's Heathrow airport to try using iris scans for
ticket and immigration control, in the hope of speeding up check-
ins. The scans can be done with a video camera in a few seconds.
A pilot project, run by Eye Ticket, will begin in October with a
group of frequent travellers who are a low security risk.

"Our aim isn't to replace immigration staff, it's to add to it," says
Anna Dorricott, a spokeswoman for Britain's immigration
department. It is interested in the method, but is waiting for the
results of the trial. "We're standing back and just watching."

But John Tincey of the Immigration Service Union says that while
the scan checks people's identities, it does not assess their
intentions. He says it should only ever be used for a select group of
people, such as frequent business flyers.

Wem noch nicht schlecht ist

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-08-10
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