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Date: 2001-01-10

NL: Soziale Kontrolle per Gesetz

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So wie es Marie-Jose Klaver - Journalistin aus NL und
langjährige Abonnentin der q/depesche - beschreibt, soll also
die Zukunft aussehen. Flächen/deckend wird vorbeugende
Erforschung betrieben werden, mit Rastern und mit Mustern,
ob die jeweilige Kommunikation nicht etwa Gefahren für die
Gesellschaft oder Firma in sich bergen könnte.
Abweichendes Verhaltens wird präzis wie nie zuvor erfasst.
Das Netz wird von den jeweils Oberen im
schlimmst/möglichen Sinne zum Instrument sozialer
Kontrolle umfunktioniert.

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Date sent: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 00:03:24 +0100 To:
[email protected] From: Marie-Jose Klaver
<[email protected]> Subject: Re: NL: Etwas ist faul im

``You cannot say that privacy will be protected, but it will be
very clear what the rules are,'' van Steenbergen said. ``The
invasion of privacy has to be justified.''

Do you know what a justification is to open your mail
according to the report of the Registratiekamer? A sudden
increase in recieved or sent e-mail messages. Say I'm a
projectmanager working overtime to meet a deadline. To
make sure all the projectmembers and external people I work
with get their stuff ready in time I send a lot of extra mail and
I also recieve more mail than usual, with texts, graphics,
charts etc. Quite a normal situation. The systems manager
probably doesn't know what I'm doing, especially if it's a big
company. But his special monitoring and detection software
warns him I cause a lot of extra mailtraffic and I stay late in
the office surfing the Web. He goes to my boss who orders
him to show him my mail and the websites I visited.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-01-10
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