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Date: 2000-12-22

"Cyber-Crime": Europa/rat antwortet GILC

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Walter Schwimmer, Generalsekretär des Europarats, hat auf
den Brief der Global Internet Liberty Campaign geantwortet
[siehe unten]. Daraufhin entspann sich der attachierte
Mailwechsel über ein mögliches Exportverbot von Politikern
aus AT irgendwohin wegen der Gefahr, dass damit der
morbus austriacus - eine spezielle Form von schleichendem
General/sekretärs/tum - verbreitet würde.
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Date sent: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 22:46:46 +0100 From:
<[email protected]> Subject: Re: Response from COE
SG Schwimmer To: [email protected]

On 20 Dec 00, at 18:56, David Banisar added to the

> i do believe that is the most polite "piss off!" i've seen in a
>long while. We have much to learn from these Europeans.

For liberty's sake, pls do not learn anything from that ;)

This kind of "politeness" has been haunting me half a life over
here in Austria [Mr. Schwimmer is Austrian, former member
of parliament to the conservative party oevp]. Polite
secretaries general [like Mr Schwimmer was here] of all kind
telling you in a very polite way that nothing can be changed
and things just have to follow the path of their destination.

Plus Christmas wishes in the end crowning a suada full of
bigotry and attempted downsizing of problems. We should
consider an export stop of Austrian politicians to anywhere
due to the dangers of spreading the morbus austriacus:
secretary/in/generalism as the most underestimated forms of
human BSE.

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Date sent: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 18:23:53 -0500 From: Marc
Rotenberg <[email protected]> Subject: Response
from COE SG Schwimmer To: [email protected]

Strasbourg, 20 December 2000

to Global Internet Liberty Campaign Members,

(c/o: Marc Rotenberg - EPIC; e-mail: [email protected])

Re: your letter dated 13 December

Thank your for your letter of 13 December. It raises a
significant number of issues which all deserve careful
consideration, particularly as they concern matters which are
obviously of importance for the Council of Europe.

I would like to inform you that this draft Convention, as any
other draft treaty in the Council of Europe, has been
negotiated by Government representatives, in accordance
with the specific terms of reference which the Committee of
Ministers had adopted in 1997. However, as work
progressed, the Committee of Experts, entrusted with the
negotiations of the draft Convention, considered that it was
important to take into consideration views that may be
expressed by other interested parties, such as industry, civil
liberties groups and the public at large. It was therefore
decided to declassify the draft text in April this year and
since then systematically and carefully examine all
observations made on the draft Convention.

Where appropriate, the Committee decided to amend the text
to accommodate the concerns raised or the suggestions
made. While the Committee has amended the text on
numerous accounts, I would like to refer you to three
provisions in particular, inter alia Articles 9, 14 and 15. As
you will note, the Committee amended the text concerning
the offence of misuse of devices (Article 9) to reassure
information security professionals that this provision did not
intend to embrace situations where such devices are used for
legitimate purposes.

Concerning the scope of application and safeguards of
procedural measures, you will note that two new Articles, 14
and 15, were introduced to clearly indicate that the powers
contemplated by the draft treaty would only be used for
specific criminal investigations and proceedings related to the
offences referred to in these Articles. It is therefore neither
envisaged, nor possible, to set up any kind of general
surveillance power under the draft Convention, whose purpose
is to help investigating crime and not monitoring people. The
use of these powers is subject to "conditions and
safeguards" as provided in each Party's legislation. For all
Council of Europe member States, this reference means the
application of the European Convention on Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms and the relevant jurisprudence of the
European Court of Human Rights. For non-member States,
the human rights standards include, in particular, the 1966
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

It is also standing practice in the Council of Europe that
those non-member States which have participated in the
drawing up of a treaty may join it, while those which have not,
need to have a authorisation from our Committee of Ministers
to be able to sign. Such authorisation will only be granted, in
the case of the Convention on cyber-crime, with the full
consensus of the Parties.

I believe the foregoing provides sufficient guarantees against
any potential misuse of the draft treaty's scope and
provisions. I am of course at your disposal to discuss futher
any suggestions you may have to improve the treaty. After
having consulted the Parliamentary Assembly, I will proceed
with the adoption of the draft treaty along the planned
procedure, e.g. by seeking its appoval by the European
Committee of Crime Problems (CDPC) in June 2001 and then
by the Committee of Ministers.

I take this opportunity to wish you Merry Christmas and a
happy New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Walter Schwimmer

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edited by
published on: 2000-12-22
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