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Date: 2000-11-17

Neu Carnivore [des]Infos des FBI

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q/depesche 00.11.17/1

Neu Carnivore [des]Infos des FBI

Laut diesem Papier, das EPIC unter dem Freedom of
Information Act [FOIA] herausgeklagt hat, sieht das Setup
des FBI-Carnivore für arme Polizeibehörden, die im Kampf
gegen Hitech-Kriminelle hoffnungslos ins Hintertreffen
geraten sind, so aus:

300MHz PII [NT4 SP6], 384MB of RAM und 1.19GB HD, mit
Zip und Jaz drives.

post/scrypt: Irgendwie stinkt die Story mittlerweile so, dass
es kaum noch zu überriechen ist.

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WASHINGTON, DC - Newly-released documents concerning
the FBI's "Carnivore" Internet monitoring program suggest
that the system might capture far more information than the
Bureau has claimed publicly. The documents were disclosed
to the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) as part of
a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the privacy
rights organization.

One of the documents, dated June 5, 2000, reports the
results of tests performed on Carnivore version 1.3.4, which is
currently in use. The report indicates that Carnivore, contrary
to FBI assertions, is capable of capturing and archiving
"unfiltered" Internet traffic. It states:

Carnivore was tested on a real world deployment [deletion]
having recently come back from a deployment. The machine
had a single 300MHz PII processor running Win NT4 SP6
Workstation. There were 384MB of RAM but the hard disk
was relatively small at 1.19GB. This [deletion] has both Zip
and Jaz drives.

This PC could reliably capture and archive all unfiltered traffic
to the internal hard drive (HD) at [deleted].

The FBI's public defense of Carnivore has centered on the
claim that the system only captures traffic that has been
isolated by a software filter that "minimizes" collection and
limits it to the particular information authorized for seizure in
a court order. Thus, in testimony before the Senate Judiciary
Committee on September 9, 2000, FBI Assistant Director
Donald M. Kerr stated:

If the subject's identifying information is detected [by the
filter], the packets of the subject's communication associated
with the identifying information that was detected, and those
alone, are segregated for additional filtering or storage.
However, it s critically important to understand that all . . .
other communications are instantaneously vaporized after
that one second. They are totally destroyed; they are not
collected, saved, or stored.

The new disclosure comes on the eve of an important
milestone in the debate over Carnivore. An independent
review team from the Illinois Institute of Technology Research
Institute (IITRI) is due to file a draft "technical report" on the
Carnivore system with the Justice Department tomorrow
(November 17). That report will not be made public until it
has been reviewed, and possibly edited, for release by
Department officials.

According to David Sobel, General Counsel for EPIC, the
newly-released information underscores the need for full
public disclosure of Carnivore's capabilities. "The little
information that has become public raises serious questions
about the privacy implications of this technology," he said.
"The American public cannot be expected to accept an
Internet snooping system that is veiled in secrecy."

EPIC filed the FOIA lawsuit after the FBI revealed that it had
developed an Internet monitoring system that would be
installed at the facilities of an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
and would monitor all traffic moving through that ISP. EPIC's
lawsuit seeks the public release of all FBI records concerning
Carnivore, including the source code, other technical details,
and legal analyses addressing the potential privacy
implications of the technology.

EPIC is a public interest research organization in
Washington, DC. More information about the case, including
a scanned image of the document quoted above, is available
at the EPIC Carnivore Litigation Page:

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World-Information Forum
24 11 2000 Technisches Museum Wien
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edited by Harkank
published on: 2000-11-17
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