Date: 2000-07-12
Carnivore: Super-Mailscanner des FBI
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Der Fleischfresser der gesetzlich ermächtigten Behörden hat
die Industrie etwas erstaunt ob seiner Frassfreudigkeit was E-
Mails anbelangt. Zum Andocken braucht die Software im
übrigen genau so eine Abhör-Schnittstelle, wie sie das
European Telecom Standards Institute gerade für Europas
digitale Netze standardisiert.
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Essentially a personal computer stuffed with specialized
software, Carnivore represents a new twist in the federal
government's fight to sustain its snooping powers in the
Internet age. But in employing the system, which can scan
millions of e-mails a second, the FBI has upset privacy
advocates and some in the computer industry.
The FBI developed the Internet wiretapping system at a
special agency lab at Quantico, Va., and dubbed it Carnivore
for its ability to get to "the meat" of what would otherwise be
an enormous quantity of data. FBI technicians unveiled the
system to a roomful of astonished industry specialists here
two weeks ago in order to steer efforts to develop
standardized ways of complying with federal wiretaps.
Word of the Carnivore system has disturbed many in the
Internet industry because, when deployed, it must be hooked
directly into Internet service providers' computer networks.
That would give the government, at least theoretically, the
ability to eavesdrop on all customers' digital communications,
from e-mail to online banking and Web surfing.
Voll Text - Man beachte den unverwechselbaren Linkstyle
John Youngs
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relayed by
"g'o'tz ohnesorge" <[email protected]>
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edited by
published on: 2000-07-12
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