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Date: 2000-02-27

ECHELON in 60 Minutes [CBS]

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q/depesche 00.2.27/1

ECHELON in 60 Minutes [CBS]

Heute, Sonntag, wird der ehemalige Mitarbeiter des
kanadischen Geheimdienstes Communications Security
Establishment [CSE] Mike Frost in der renommierten CBS-
Sendung 60 Minutes Zeuhnis ablegen. Im EU-Parlament wird
eine dringliche Anfrage zu ECHELON vorbereitet. Dass es für
die Kommission dieses Mal nicht so einfach sein wird, das
alles als "rumours in the press" abzutun, ist sehr

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relayed by Mark Hughes, Institute for the Study of Privacy
Issues (ISPI) [email protected]
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ECHELON: Follow-up Links & 60 Minutes

With all the recent interest in the ECHELON global
surveillance system, some of you may appreciate a short
background note and some follow-up links on the topic.

ECHELON is operated jointly by five spy organizations under
the umbrella of the 1948 UKUSA (pronounced you-koo-za)
signals intelligence (SIGNET) agreement.

The five SIGNET agencies are the NSA in America, Canada's
Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the UK's
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ),
Australia's Defense Signals Directorate (DSD) and New
Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau

The NSA is the senior member and calls virtually all the

60 Minutes:

On February 27 (Sunday) the CBS show 60 Minutes has
scheduled a segment on ECHELON in which Canadian ex-
spy and author Mike Frost reveals that then UK Prime
Minister Thatcher asked Canada's CSE spooks to spy on
two of her cabinet Ministers via the ECHELON system.

Also, Margaret Newsham
an ex-employee of Lockheed Martin and important player in
the development of the ECHELON system will be featured in
the segment.

Useful Echelon Links:

THE SECRET AGREEMENTS: Ekstra Bladet's Echelon Site

Nicky Hager's "Exposing The Global Surveillance System"

ECHELON: America's Secret Global Surveillance Network

Key Echelon Files: Cryptome In

Key Echelon Files: Cryptome Out

Spotlight on Wiretapping and Echelon

Interception Capabilities 2000

ACLU's Echelon Watch

Kind regards, Mark Hughes Executive Director Institute for the Study of Privacy Issues (ISPI)

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John Perry Barlow, 1994 Co-founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation

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edited by
published on: 2000-02-27
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