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Date: 1999-12-20

US-Asyl fuer Electronic Frontiers Australia

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q/depesche 99.12.20/1

US-Asyl für Electronic Frontiers Australia

Als vorbeugende Reaktion auf die am 1. Januar 2000 in Kraft
tretende, wohl dümmste Zensurgesetzgebung der Welt,
verlegt Electronic Frontiers Australia seine Website auf einen
Server in den USA.

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21st December 1999


Electronic Frontiers Australia has moved its website to the
United States in response to Australian Internet censorship
legislation which commences on 1st January 2000.

EFA webmaster Greg Taylor said, "In the absence of any
precedent for the application of film and video classification
guidelines to Internet content, it is impossible for us to know
whether anything on our web site would be 'prohibited
content' under the legislation. Although we don't believe we
have published anything that might be deemed illegal, our
site could well contain material with adult themes, which
requires an adult verification system to be implemented. This
would be an obstacle not only for our Australian readers, but
also for our extensive overseas audience."

"It is quite ridiculous that material that can be legally
published in a book in this country could run foul of the new
online legislation because it is classified according to film
guidelines. In other media, publishers can pay the Office of
Film and Literature Classification for classification prior to
publication, but this service is not offered to online content

"Nothing would cause a potential reader to lose interest
faster than having to comply with an onerous and intrusive
age verification check," said Taylor. "Similarly we have no
wish to be subject to a take-down notice aimed at silencing
us, as some politicians would like to do. We want to be free
to tell the world about the draconian censorship regime in

"We have therefore decided to move our website with the
intent of placing it beyond the whims of Australian regulators."


----------------------------------------------------------------- Electronic
Frontiers Australia Inc -- representing
Internet users concerned about on-line freedoms Email:
[email protected] Phone: 02 9255 7969 Fax: 02 9255 7736
URL of this release: -----------------------
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-12-20
comments to [email protected]
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