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Date: 1999-03-24

Linus im O-Ton über die Linux-Historie

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q/depesche 99.3.24/2
updating 99.3.22/2

Linus im O-Ton über die Linux-Historie

Wie alles anfing & warum es genausoweit mit Linux kommen
konnte wie es bis dato kam & was ganz anders kam, als es
kommen sollte, erzählt Linus himself in diesem 5000 Zeichen
starken Auszug aus dem neuen O'Reilly Kompendium
"Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution."

psot/scrypt: die letzte q/depesche zum Thema Linux & XML
war etwas übertrieben formuliert. Natürlich unterstützt der
Internet Explorer XML & Cascaded Stylesheets nicht nicht,
sondern doch. Nämlich auf die Microsoft ureigene Weise:
fast ganz, doch in entscheidenden Punkten doch wieder

tnx 4 critique 2 [email protected] et al.
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Linus Torvalds
Linux today has millions of users, thousands of developers,
and a growing market. It is used in embedded systems; it is
used to control robotic devices; it has flown on the space
shuttle. I'd like to say that I knew this would happen, that it's
all part of the plan for world domination. But honestly this has
all taken me a bit by surprise. I was much more aware of the
transition from one Linux user to one hundred Linux users
than the transition from one hundred to one million users.

Linux has succeeded not because the original goal was to
make it widely portable and widely available, but because it
was based on good design principles and a good
development model. This strong foundation made portability
and availability easier to achieve.

Contrast Linux for a moment with ventures that have had
strong commercial backing, like Java or Windows NT. The
excitement about Java has convinced many people that
"write once, run anywhere" is a worthy goal. We're moving
into a time when a wider and wider range of hardware is being
used for computing, so indeed this is an important value. Sun
didn't invent the idea of "write once, run anywhere," however.
Portability has long been a holy grail of the computer
industry. Microsoft, for example, originally hoped that
Windows NT would be a portable operating system, one that
could run on Intel machines, but also on RISC machines
common in the workstation environment. Linux never had
such an ambitious original goal. It's ironic, then, that Linux
has become such a successful medium for cross-platform

Originally Linux was targeted at only one architecture: the
Intel 386. Today Linux runs on everything from PalmPilots to
Alpha workstations; it is the most widely ported operating
system available for PCs. If you write a program to run on
Linux, then, for a wide range of machines, that program can
be "write once, run anywhere." It's interesting to look at the
decisions that went into the design of Linux, and how the
Linux development effort evolved, to see how Linux managed
to become something that was not at all part of the original.

full text

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"There is no solution because there is no problem" Marcel Duchamp
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-03-24
comments to [email protected]
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