Date: 1998-11-23
AOL & Netscape: Traumhochzeit mit Hausfreund
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Zu Bräutigam AOL und Browser-Braut gesellt sich noch vor
dem Vollzuge des ordentlichen Concubinats als Hausfreund
Sun dazu. Wie die Kurse (siehe unten) zeigen, ward heute in
drei grossen Wellen der Hochzeits-Hype gebührlich
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By James Ledbetter
In a flurry of who-knows-what phone calls and massive
trading of shares, the stock prices of all three of the
companies engaged in partnership discussions AOL,
Netscape, and Sun Microsystems were up substantially in
the first few hours of Monday's trading.
Many analysts said the only stumbling block to the $3.8
billion all-stock transaction would arise if Sun chose not to
play along. Sun's precise role in the proposed AOL-Netscape
future remains unclear. Presumably, Sun would be called
upon to manage and distribute the Netscape software that
underlies Web server computers.
Full Story
Stocks Braut
Stocks Bräutigam
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published on: 1998-11-23
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