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Date: 1998-11-23

AOL & Netscape: Traumhochzeit mit Hausfreund

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Zu Bräutigam AOL und Browser-Braut gesellt sich noch vor
dem Vollzuge des ordentlichen Concubinats als Hausfreund
Sun dazu. Wie die Kurse (siehe unten) zeigen, ward heute in
drei grossen Wellen der Hochzeits-Hype gebührlich
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By James Ledbetter
In a flurry of who-knows-what phone calls and massive
trading of shares, the stock prices of all three of the
companies engaged in partnership discussions – AOL,
Netscape, and Sun Microsystems – were up substantially in
the first few hours of Monday's trading.

Many analysts said the only stumbling block to the $3.8
billion all-stock transaction would arise if Sun chose not to
play along. Sun's precise role in the proposed AOL-Netscape
future remains unclear. Presumably, Sun would be called
upon to manage and distribute the Netscape software that
underlies Web server computers.

Full Story,1449,2645,00.html?

Stocks Braut

Stocks Bräutigam
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published on: 1998-11-23
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