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Date: 1998-11-11

Zuwenig PR: Larry schimpft Bill

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q/depesche 98.11.11/3
updating irgdwann

Zuwenig PR: Larry schimpft Bill

Der keinem Schimpfe abgeneigte Herr Ellison von Oracle
kam letz/hinnig kaum mehr in den Nachrichten über
grosskopferte IT-leader vor. Jetzt fordert er die Zerschlagung
von Microsoft & busselt seit dem Sommer den armen Linux-
Pinguin auf ordinärste Art & Weise (coming up 2morrow)

post/scrypt: hat schon mal wer geguckt, wielang es Oracle-
Datenbanken bereits gibt & was dieselben immer noch

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SAN FRANCISCO (11/11/98 7:43 a.m. ET)
True to form, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison blasted Microsoft
Tuesday for its "illegal" behavior in the software industry and
advocated breaking the software giant into two parts.

Ellison spoke at the company's annual OpenWorld
conference here in San Francisco.
"I think they should break Microsoft into two parts and have
Gates run one half and Ballmer run the other half," he added.

Although no one from Oracle has testified at the trial, Ellison
said he is ready, willing, and able to, especially in regards to
the NC.
Ellison said the reason Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft
acted illegally was its fear of market changes being brought
about by the Internet.

"The question is why such a smart, savvy group of people
knowingly broke antitrust laws," he said. "I think the answer
is people are moving to the Internet."
full story
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published on: 1998-11-11
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