Date: 1998-08-11
Wassenaar: PGP/Verbreitung bald illegal?
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q/depesche 98.8.11/3
Wassenaar: PGP/Verbreitung bald illegal?
Wenn das Vorhaben der USA, Russlands, Australiens, & einiger
anderer Staaten Erfolg hat, wird es in at, de & anderen
Unterzeichnerländern des Abkommens von Wassenaar illegal
sein, Verschlüsselungssoftware gratis zum Download
anzubieten (*siehe unten*).
In nationalen Ergänzungen zum Wassenaar Arrangement, das
Software, die frei als "public domain" verfügbar ist,
ausdrücklich nicht erfasst, hatten die oben angeführten
Staaten crypto/software von dieser Befreiung ausgenommen.
Nun wird Druck auf alle anderen Unterzeichnerstaaten
ausgeübt, dies ebenso zu revidieren.
Der Grund ist offensichtlich: das bedienerfreundliche PGP
5.5.3i ist dabei, sich weltweit als de-facto/Standard zu
etablieren. Bei steigendem Ersatz von unverschlüsselten
Faxen & Telefonaten durch e-mail würden deren
Verschlüsselung ein globales Abhörnetz wie das U.S.System
Echelon empfindlich stören.
Das Wassenaar Arrangement (1994) ist ein von 33 Staaten
unterzeichnetes Abkommen zur Exportkontrolle sogenannter
"Dual Use Goods". Die "Munitions List" des Arrangements
reicht von Nervengift/Ingredienzen, über Utensilien zum
Atombomben/bau bis hin zu Verschlüsselungs/software.
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Von: [email protected] An: International Crypto
<[email protected]>, Global International Liberty
Campaign <[email protected]>
Dear all,
It is a slow and time consuming process to get facts about
what is going on inside the Wassenaar Arrangement here in
Vienna. A few things nevertheless leaked out.
There has been a proposal lately to except encryption
software in general from the General Software Note (Preface)
to the Arrangement. This note says that "the lists do not
control 'software' which is ... in the public domain."
"They know they cannot totally prevent international
distribution of encryption programs like pgp by this
measure" says one Wassenaar expert source "but if someone is
caught doing so he will be subject to criminal prosecution."
Avantguarded as always by the U.S spooks the said group &
others - reportedly even Finland - will try to press all
other signers of the Arrangement to do the same.
At least the USA, Australia, France, New Zealand and Russia
have already applied their own national "amendments" to this
note that make public domain crypto software object to
export "control".
This would mean the end of relatively free distribution of
PGP in Europe - GILC Member ARGE Daten entertains one of the
eleven free pgp Servers worldwide that would be illegal then
- the end of the Australian Cryptozilla effort & the like.
Meeting of the crypto expert group to the Wassenaar
Arrangement in Vienna will be mid September, plenary
discussion is scheduled for November.
Odds are not as bad though, as they look:
* the "amendments" quoted above were done on a national
basis * All Wassenaar Arrangement decisions must to be
signed ***unanimously*** by all 33 member states.
We need to
Know what they were struggling with, last @ Wassenaar? To
except electronic road pricing systems software from being
export/banned by the Arrangement ;-)
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Download free PGP 5.5.3i (Win95/NT & Mac)
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-08-11
comments to [email protected]
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