Date: 2012-02-29
Undermining ACTA: Das zugehoerige Doq/ument
Sowohl das Assessment des Handelsauschusses, wie das zugehörige Rechtsgutachten wollte man man partout nicht veröffentlichen, weil das den Ratifizierungsprozess beeinträchtigen würde. Wörtlich: "Disclosure would undermine the protection of public interest."
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EP Legal opinion SJ-0501/11
"This document is a confidential legal opinion... The European Parliament reserves all its rights should this be disclosed without its authorization". Signed: Ignacio Diez Parra [head of unit] Daniela Gauci, Ricardo Passos (Director).
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Related: The EP/INTA ACTA Assessment gone amiss
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edited by Harkank
published on: 2012-02-29
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