Big Brother Awards
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Date: 2002-01-22

Big Brother Awards Denmark

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Heute bzw. jetzt schon gestern Abend wurden die Big Brother Awards in
Dänemark erstmals vergeben: vivant, crescant, floreant!

postscrypt: Spezielle tnx ergehen an Peter Kuhm [VIBE/quintessenz], der
als virtueller Ein/Mann/Incubator den internationalen Big Brother Awards
Hebammen/sonder/preis in der Kategorie Maieutik mehr als verdient hat.
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Big Brother Awards Denmark Nominated and Awardvinders 2001 Announced
January 21. 2002, 12:00 Category: State

Nominated for an Orwell

The Police For their generic belief that more surveillance will solve all
problems related to investigations

The former Minestry of Research For eGovernment, national personal portal
and digital signature, three technologies, that despite the best intentions
seems to be ending the wrong place

The former Minestry of Housing For the BBR-file that went rather close

Awarded an ORWELL: The Police Detailed motivation presently only in

Nominated for a SIMON
No worthy candidates located !

Categori: Local Authorites
Nominated for an ORWELL
Esbjerg Kommune For dyneløfteri i et hidtil uset og pinligt omfang.
Holstebro Kommune For misbrug af personoplysninger og overtrædelse af
Vinder af en ORWELL: Esbjerg Kommune Detailed motivation presently only
in Danish

Nominated for a SIMON

No worthy candidates located !

Kategori: Virksomhed

Nominated for an ORWELL

Sund og Bælt For video-surveillance on the Great bridges - Øresunds- og
Storebæltsbroen especially the detailed registration of car

eBoks For increasing the use of unique identification (CPR) and
concentration information on individual citizens in one mail-box

Dr. Olgas Børnehave v. Børn og Unge Fonden For using WEB-Cams to
surveillance of children

Awarded an ORWELL: Dr. Olgas Børnehave Detailed motivation presently
only in Danish

Category: Project/product

Nominated for an ORWELL

Datametrix For creating technologies for companies to to wiretap employee

ETI For their extensive wiretapping technologies used by telecoms and
intetelligence services

FDIM For Micropayments registering more detailed personal information than
other sources across websites and the potential of which is not even

Awarded an ORWELL: Datametrix Detailed motivation presently only in

Nominated for a SIMON

Cryptomathic For creating an encryption technology dedicated to
anonymisation of eVoting. Technology has been developed in collaboration
with teh University of Århus

Researchgroup behind the traffic research programme FORTRIN at Centre for
Traffic and Transport Research, DTU For having tried and succeded in making
a trafficminitoring system respecting privacy

Awarded a SIMON: Researchgroup FORTRIN Detailed motivation presently
only in Danish

Category: Person

Nominated for an ORWELL

Awarded an ORWELL: Frank Jensen For the anti-terror laws and the
repeated denial of the existence of Echelon Detailed motivation presently
only in Danish

Nominated for a SIMON

Peter Blume For years of dedicated participation in the surveillancedebate
delivering heavyweight legal arguments agains the "surveillance-lobby"

Oluf Jørgensen For persistant standing on basic legal principles and a very
visible precense in the Surveillance debate in generel

Kristian Jensen For breaking the party discipline and maintaining principles

Awarded a SIMON: Oluf Jørgensen Detailed motivation presently only in

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2002-01-22
comments to [email protected]
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