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Date: 1999-09-24

ECHELON: Puzzleteile aus NL

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q/depesche 99.9.24./1

ECHELON: Puzzleteile aus NL

Das Match heisst Militärs gegenm, Zivile oder auch
ECHELON gegen die Öffentlichkeit und praktisch funktioniert
es so: Man verheimliche alles [militär], zivilerseits setze man
ein Puzzle aus inzwischen freigegebenen, weil angejahrten
Informationen aus militärischen Dienst/dunst/kreisen, die in
öffentlichen Dokumenten - Thema Signals Intelligence
[SIGINT] - enthalten sind, zusammen.

Sodann rechne man neuen technisch relevanten
Entwicklungen dazu, indem man etwa die Exportrestriktionen
im sattsam bekannten Wassenaar Vertrag [konventionelle
Waffenexportkontrolle] bezüglich Krypto, schneller HF-
Scanner, Kommunikationsfrequenzen, Glasfaser/switches,
Multiplexer & c genau verkehrt herum liest, extrapoliere
unter Berücksichtigung von Moore's Law [average computing
power doubling every 18 months] bis einem dämmert, was
heut/zutag alles gehen kann.

Nach .uk .us .ca .au .nz .no und anderen vorzüglich aus
dem Westen sind jetzt die Holländer dabei, durch Analyse
der Abhör/vergangenheit die Gegenwart hochzurechnen.

post/scrypt: ex occidente lux - so schaut es aus, das Licht
kommt aus dem Westen.

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More and more students of the Cold War begin to realize that
the intelligence communities played an important role during
the Cold War. In recent years in particular the importance of
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) has been stressed and
especially the capabilities and possibilities of reading and
deciphering diplomatic, military, commercial and other
Communications of other nations.

This growing awareness of the importance of intelligence
applies not only to the activities of the big services but also
to those of the smaller nations like for example the
Netherlands. For this exact reason a couple of years ago the
Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) was
established in which academics and (former and still active)
members of the Netherlands intelligence community work
together in order to promote research into the history of
Dutch intelligence communities. This growing interest had led
in Holland to publications dealing with the history of the
Dutch internal security service (1995), the Dutch Navy
Intelligence (1997) and the Netherlands foreign intelligence
service (November 1998).

As honorary secretary of the NISA it is my pleasure to
announce that the NISA will host an international conference
dealing with


This conference with a particular emphasis on Sigint and the
Northwestern European nations will take place on Saturday
November 27 in Amsterdam.

The line up of the program is as follows:


09.45: Opening of the Conference and Welcome to the
speakers and participants

10.00: Matthew Aid (United States, historian)
Introduction on the importance of SIGINT in the Cold War

10.45: coffee

11.00: Richard Aldrich (United Kingdom, University of
Nottingham) GCHQ and Sigint in the Cold War

11.45: Erich Schmidt-Eenboom (Germany,
Forschungsinstitut für Friendenspolitik) The BND,
German Military Forces and Sigint in the Cold War

12.30: lunch

13.30: Alf Jacobsen (Norway, NRK) Scandinavia,
Sigint and the Cold War

14.15: Cees Wiebes (Netherlands, NISA) The
history of the WKC (Dutch NSA/GCHQ)

15.00: Tea

15.30: Wies Platje (Netherlands, NISA) Dutch
Sigint and the conflict with Indonesia, 1950 - 62

16.15: Round Table discussion The importance of
Sigint during the Cold War 17.00: Closing Remarks
+ Reception

Since the number of seats is strictly limited to 100, you
are requested to submit your registration as soon as
possible. Places will be attributed on a first registered-first
served basis. The conference rate is US $ 80 including lunch
and drinks at the reception. Please register as quickly as
possible by sending an E-mail or letter to the honorary
secretary of the NISA, Dr. Cees Wiebes, at the following

relayed by Cees Wiebes [email protected]

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Jetzt erst recht!
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edited by
published on: 1999-09-24
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